Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Sykes For Sale

So, Reddish’s one and only coffee shop is up for sale. It’s such a shame and it would be wonderful if whoever buys it keeps it as a coffee shop. Reddish really needs places like this for people to socialise, relax and just pass the time drinking coffee and reading a paper.
There doesn’t appear to be any word of this news on  the official Sykes’ blog, but the great big ‘for sale’ sign on the side of the shop isn’t being too inconspicuous.It’s on the market for a snip at £32,500. Any takers?


We’re a group of four people, thrust into the thriving metropolis that is Reddish.
We were astounded to find that there really is a lack of information out there about this place so we thought we’d start a news site. We’ll hopefully bring you news, reviews, interviews and anything else that ends in ‘ews’. Pews? We could go and take some photos at St. Joseph’s I guess.
Anyway, I hope this site is of use to you.