Thursday, 24 May 2012

Kingfisher Health Club

I'm not a natural gym goer. In fact I kind of hate the gym with a deep, heartlfelt passion. But the thing is, I love McDonalds with that same passion and something had to give. So, after living in Reddish for about four months with 3 McDonalds in a 2 mile radius, I reluctantly looked for a gym to join to work off the excess fat that was beginning to clog up my arteries.

Cue the Kingfisher Health Club. After a quick Google I came across the KHC and was excited at just how close to my house it was. Bonus. So I headed down after work and was shown around by a nice sporty looking guy who was friendly and informative and didn't make me feel like the intruder I was. The KHC is based in Houldsworth Mill so it's all high ceilings and big industrial steel things. It feels luxurious, calm, clean and almost like you're going to give yourself a treat, which is ideal for someone like me who needs to be tricked into going.

I agreed to an induction the following week, which was thorough (full-on health check with blood pressure and weigh-in - gulp). I was then shown how all of the equipment worked and was even given a little personalised workout plan. The gym is fully equipped with all the latest gear, including those Vibration Plate things, which scare me a bit. There is also a separate part of the gym with a huge screen which has sound and usually a football match going on. Safe to say this part is usually taken up with men on running machines but I thought it was a pretty cool touch if you wanted a break from listening to your iPod or lip-reading the TV screens.

There are a huge range of classes available at loads of different times of day, which is another plus point for me as I work from home and can join the nanas for a bit of aerobics at 11am, but my favourite part is the pool. It's just lovely. Small enough to make you feel like an Olympic swimmer when you've done 10 lengths in record time, but big enough to accommodate during a busy period. I would say not to go on a Saturday afternoon though as KHC allows free swimming for members children (obviously is you have children this would be an ideal time to go). Alongside the swimming pool is a jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Total relaxation.

Membership to the Kingfisher Health Club is £36.50 a month - this includes full use of the gym, pool and spa and all classes. Plus you are given two free swim passes so you can drag along someone else for the fun.

Kingfisher Health Club, Houldsworth Mill, Broadstone Road, Reddish, Stockport, SK5 6DD

Tel: 0161 975 5152

Twitter: @kingfisherhc

by Ana Hernandez

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