Monday, 4 June 2012

Review: Sweat Shed

Sweat Shed Logo

Hidden away down on the Vauxhall Estate is Sweat Shed - a place that has filled me with fear since I was talked into signing up for a month long bootcamp. I'm not scared of hard work - I used to train with someone known as 'The Punisher' - but the very idea of bootcamp left me feeling sick to the stomach. There is something about the name that makes you picture scary army trainers shouting at you to do 1000 press ups in the mud.

Luckily there was no mud and no shouting (but there were a few press-ups). Mat, owner and instructor was kind and welcoming and the first 45 minute class flew past. The session was broken down into sections. The first was partner work where there were 3 lots of 8 minute bursts or exercises. This was followed by around 5 minutes of individual work. These were challenging and luckily there was no pressure to keep going if you need to rest.

The first session has put some of my fears to rest, but Mat has a glint in his eye that suggests he likes causing pain so I'm sure the sessions are going to get tougher. I'm going to be going along to bootcamp sessions over the next month and will be updating regularly on my progress. Wish me luck!

If you're taking part in this months bootcamp, or have previously taken part let us know. Please don't scare me too much though!

by Liz Edwards

You can read Liz's Week 2 Round Up HERE


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